Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Mac OS X and OS 9 // Network and IP Settings

Mac OS X and OS 9 (Classic) Reference Guide

Network and IP Settings 

To access Network settings on OS X:
  1. From the dock, click the System Preferences icon or from the Apple menu, click System Preferences, then click Network (small globe).
    System Preferences Network Dialog Box

  2. From the Show pull-down menu, select the interface connection, such as the Internal Modem or Built-in Ethernet card.
    • For dynamic or static connections, click the TCP/IP tab, then from the Configure pull-down menu, select the method you'd like to configure, such as Manually (static IP) or Using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
    • For an Ethernet card set to use DHCP, this is the screen which includes the computer's IP address, subnet mask and gateway (router):
    Note: The Ethernet Address is the MAC Address for the network card.
  3. Press COMMAND+Q to exit System Preferences and save your changes.

To release/renew the IP address:
  1. Access the network settings (as described above).
  2. From the Configure pull-down menu, select a different protocol, then select Using DHCP again and click the Apply Now button. (This will attempt to renew the IP from the DHCP server.)
  3. Press COMMAND+Q to exit System Preferences and save your changes.

To view PPPoE settings:
  1. Access the network settings (as described above).
  2. Select the PPPoE tab (instead of TCP/IP):

To disable PPPoE:
  1. Access the network settings (as described above).
  2. Click the PPOE tab.
  3. Uncheck Connect using PPPoE and Show PPPoE status in the menu bar.
  4. Press COMMAND+Q to exit System Preferences and save your changes.

 Line Quality Tools 


VisualRoute is a ping/tracert program very similar to Ping Plotter except the trial version cannot run continuously.
To install VisualRoute:
  1. Go to VisualRoute Download Page and click the Download link for VisualRoute Lite edition.
  2. Click the download button for the Mac version and save to the computer
  3. Double-click the vr.pkg file and follow prompts to install.
  4. To open it go to the Hard Drive > Applications > VisualRoute > Double-click VisualRoute

To configure VisualRoute:
  • Go to Options menu ? Preferences > change Pings per hop to 100 and Ping packet size to 1200 and click Close.Image

To run VisualRoute:
  • Enter the address to ping in the white box and click the little arrow to the right of it. It will run for about 2 minutes (the longest possible for the trial version). Image

To save the VisualRoute results:
  1. Go to Edit > HTML Report
  2. In the window that pops up click Browse > change the name and save to Desktop.
  3. Click OK when back at the first window.
  4. Attach the file to an email to send back us.

Ping Grapher

Ping Grapher is a ping tool within VisualRoute that can run continuously and measures packet-loss and average latency.
To Run Ping Grapher:
  1. Open VisualRoute per the instructions above.
  2. Go to Tools > Ping Grapher.
  3. Enter the host/IP to ping and set to every 1 second and click the little green arrow. Image
    Note: the host/IP must be one that's pingable or there will be no results to graph.

 Other Tools 

TFTP Tests

From OS X use the built-in Terminal program:
  • Go to Applications > Utilities > Double-click Terminal
  • Terminal is a little different than the DOS shell. You must first type
    tftp then hit enter and type get test and press Enter again to see if the transfer is successful.


OS X has its own built-in TraceRoute and Lookup functions. Both are good ways to find out if an ISP is having DNS problems- such as with resolving

 Helpful Tips and Mac Commands 

A keyboard shortcut is a way to invoke a function in Mac OS X by pressing a combination of keys on your keyboard. To use a Mac OS X keyboard shortcut, or key combination, you press a modifier key with a character key. For example, pressing the Command key and the "c" key at the same time copies whatever is currently selected (text, graphics, and so forth) into the Clipboard. Some of the more common keyboard shorcuts are outlined below. (More Mac OSX keyboard shortcuts.)
To obtain information about the OS version
  • Go to Apple Menu > About this Mac
To force quit an application
  • Press Command+Alt-Option+Esc and select what application you wish to force quit.
To capture a screen snapshot
  • Click Command+Shift+3 to take a picture of the screen. (Alternatively, view this video.)
To right-click with only one mouse button
  • Click and hold down the mouse button and the same menu will pop up as if you had right-clicked.

 OS 9 (Classic) Overview 

To access the Network Control Panel:
  • Go to Apple Menu > Control Panels > Double-click TCP/IP. Here you can see the network settings on the computer:
To obtain the MAC address:
  • Open the Network Control Panel > go to the Edit Menu > click User Mode.
  • Change to Advanced and click OK.
  1. Download and install the appropriate TFTP client based on your OS version.
  2. Under Options change the transfer setting from Binary to Text.
  3. Setup the transfer as follows:
    1. Click the Receive Button.
    2. Address: TFTP.VONAGE.NET
    3. Password: (leave this blank)
    4. Click on File and ask for the test file. Set the file to save anywhere on your hard drive - (you can delete it after the test.)
    5. Click Start.
    6. You will get TRANSFER COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY if port 69 is accessible.

Line Quality

MacTCPWatcher is a basic ping/tracert tool for OS 7.1-9.
To trace:
  • Click Trace and enter the URL/IP such as It will trace three (3) times and show Min, Avg and Max latency to each hop:
To ping:
Click Ping and check Continuous; it will run until stopped:

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